Acrylic / plexyglass

Poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) belongs to a group of materials called engineering plastics. It is a transparent thermoplastic. PMMA is also known as acrylic, acrylic glass, perspex, or plexiglass, as well as by the trade names and brands Crylux, Plexiglas, Acrylite, Astariglas, Lucite, Perclax, and Perspex, - wikipedia

  • PMMA does not contain the potentially harmful bisphenol-A subunits found in polycarbonate and is a far better choice for laser cutting.

Acrylic is a transparent petroleum-based thermoplastic product often manufactured in sheets as a lightweight and shatter-resistant alternative to glass. Sometimes plexiglass is referred to as acrylic glass because it’s a glasslike substance. - What Is Plexiglass Made Of?

Written on January 4, 2022, Last update on January 9, 2022
chemical laser petrol