Little tasks, little trust

No backlog grooming meetings or burn-down charts either. Your manager simply looked at how your products were coming along. A little trust, some accountability, and a healthy portion of “give me some space to do my work.”

The way we work now is different. Sadly, it’s less motivating, less efficient, and profoundly less respectful of individual abilities. - little tasks, little trust

“I am Amerigo, the product guy. Heretofore, no developer will make product decisions, for they are mine.”

“And I am Ferdinand, process guy. Heretofore, no developer will make process decisions, for they are mine.”

“I Bartolomeu will enforce compliance.”

“I Vasco used to be pretty good at Microsoft Access, I guess I’ll be the database guy.”

see also

Written on October 11, 2020, Last update on October 8, 2022
agile work software