
a frontend for emulators, game engines and media players.


RetroArch MAME Tips (Best Core, ROMs and Versions)

The best MAME core for RetroArch is the MAME 2003-Plus.

After installing RetroArch on your gaming system, the next thing you need to do is install cores that will run the games you want to play.

Each MAME core has a specific ROMset version, and it will not work if you download a different version. For example, if you have installed the MAME 2003 core, its required ROMset version is MAME 0.78.

The given rom set must be put in the specific folder ./mame2003 to be used by that core. As well as MAME_2003-Plus_Reference_Set_2018/ - for sound sample.

Alternative is to put them in the ./arcade folder ?


  • MAME 2003-Plus - MAME 2003-Plus began with the game drivers from MAME 0.78, meaning that 95% or more of MAME 0.78 romsets will work as-is in MAME 2003-Plus, where they immediately benefit from its bugfixes and other improvements. In order to play the new games and games which received ROM updates in MAME 2003-Plus, you will need to find or build MAME 2003-Plus romsets.

We recommend the Full Non-Merged format, where each romset zip files includes all the files needed to run each game, including any ROMs from ‘parent’ ROM sets and BIOS sets.


Choose your Shader (quick menu) + Shader (there is a handeld selection) Then Save (globaly / per core / per folder or per gameà.


see Generating Logs to enable logs (Settings/Loggin) in RetroArch (to diagnose roms issue for egs). Once enabled.

Logs are generated in /home/ark/.emulationstation/es_log.txt on RGB30 using ArkOS. It’s also possible to launch retro-arch directly from ternminal (even through ssh) provided Emulation station is exited before.

Written on November 11, 2023, Last update on November 12, 2023