Model from picture (Image Workbench)

Dessiner un sketch à partir d’une photo

  • FreeCAD 0.20 : Création d’un roulement imprimable qui fonctionne
    • superposition de 2 images dans des plans orthogonaux pour simplifier la modélisation
      1. use Image workbench to import image. -> button create image plane
      2. set scale -> button scale image plane
      3. verify correctness by measuring with tool
      4. image appearance -> select transparency
      5. view -> toggle axis
      6. then in draft workbench in auto mode use cross to move object to wanted location
      7. angle can also be set see align and sketch over the image

Some bugs in current version => besoin de clicker en aveugle, mais ca marche

Some bugs in current version => besoin de clicker en aveugle, mais ca marche

Written on June 19, 2022, Last update on June 19, 2022
photo image freecad