Visual Pinball (VPinballX)

This project was started by Randy Davis, open sourced in 2010 and continued by the Visual Pinball development team. - github / wikipedia / doc / r/virtualpinball/ / discord


  • vpxtools - Cross-platform console based utility for the vpinball ecosystem
  • pinball-parts - Blender Pinball Parts library

Fixing & patching

DMD & vbs script may need fixing to run on standalone or multiscreen.

VPX Standalone support a path mechanism that allows to override table script with external definition. A number of fixes for major tables are already avalaible:

The mechanism is the following.

  • if a .vbs file exist alongside the corresponding table name, it will be loaded.
  • if a Script folder exist nearby the executable, it will be looked up also for a .vbs file with the name of the table.

see also


Keyboard Layout - the default keys are 1 - start a new game / or when in live menu save pov change 2 - buy extra ball (if applicable)
3,4,5,6 - add credit for given player
lshift, rshift - left & right flipper button
Enter - pull & release trigger
Esc - pause game & show menu

see also

Native linux

Standalone, is the player ported to other system. But it does not include the editor. Only the Live Editor is available (if you press esc).

see also


In previous versions all settings where set in the registry and using for example another system needs a launch script to change the value in the registry. Now all the settings are stored in an INI file.

You can copy & customize the one located in ~/.vpinball/VPinballX.ini

; # Player settings

; Video options
Display = 2     ; 0 primary, otherwise use Id (same as displayed by indentify command
Fullscreen = 0  ; 0/1 disable/enable

WebServer = 1   ; enable webserver UI: default addr is - allow edit of ini+misc

Live Editor

Can give access to (demo)

View Setup

It allow to switch Camera Mode from Camera (perpective) to Window (dedicated to cabinet). Here the control are mean for cabinet adjustement and so use games key

  • lctrl / rctl to choose menu entry
  • lshift / rshift to change value
  • return to validate


POV files go in the table folder and need to have same exact name as the associated table file

Do not import the POV to the table, that is the entire point of having a POV, you can change the view with no actual changes made to the table itself.

To edit/create .pov file:

./build/VPinballX_GL -play ./res/exampleTable.vpx -povedit

Edit setting with pinball controls, then press 1 to save and exit.

Autopov - Export a POV that you like with the file name “Autopov.POV” and save it to your Tables folder. If you load a table that doesn’t have its own unique external POV file (with the same filename for POV as the VPX), it will use this Autopov file instead. - pov switching - How do you set up VPX for vertically oriented screen in OS (portrait) Or can you?

see also


If you want to play a PinMAME-enabled game, then you need to have the roms in the proper place, see VPinMAME. The pinmame emulator is included in the Standalone version.

To test VPinballX, first start with a recreation or original that doesn’t need roms. For eg: res/exampleTable.vpx

see also

  • FlexDMD - a DMD renderer extension for Visual Pinball

B2S (Backglass server)

The B2S code is integrated in the Standalone build, but still in implementation phase. It need to be enabled ( New feature appeared 09/2023), and have a non null window.

B2S = 1
B2SBackglassX = 
B2SBackglassY = 
B2SBackglassWidth = 1000
B2SBackglassHeight = 1000

To work the B2s file and the table must have the same name: eg table.vpx and table.directb2s (necessary in the same folder ?).

see also


Pup Pack

“PupPack” est un terme utilisé dans le monde du virtual pinball pour désigner un type de package spécifique pour les tables de vpinball, qui sont des simulations de flippers sur ordinateur. Le terme “PupPack” est dérivé de “PinUP Player Pack” ou “PUP Pack”.

Un PupPack est un ensemble de médias et d’effets visuels qui sont intégrés dans une table de vpinball. Ces packs comprennent généralement des vidéos, des images, des animations et des effets sonores qui sont synchronisés avec le gameplay de la table. Ces éléments visuels et sonores peuvent ajouter une nouvelle dimension à l’expérience de jeu en créant des cinématiques, des effets de lumière et des animations spéciales qui se déclenchent pendant le jeu.


see also

Written on September 16, 2023, Last update on October 28, 2023
pincab table games