
Blog / image / Code hosting, for free ?

Hosting image

  • create a new issue
  • drag and drop images
  • copy the url inserted and reference it in (or elsewhere)

Create a new Gist ยท GitHub

Connect to GitHub with SSH

Find and take a note of your public key fingerprint.

to recognize which key belong to who

$ ssh-add -l -E sha256
> 2048 SHA256:274ffWxgaxq/tSINAykStUL7XWyRNcRTlcST1Ei7gBQ /Users/USERNAME/.ssh/id_rsa (RSA)

if needed Generate a ssh key

Add your public key to GitHub

Adding a license to a repository

Written on October 16, 2020, Last update on January 21, 2022
git ssh github online web