Jpeg XL: Next Generation Image Format

The progressive mode in Jpeg and JPEG XL is quite different, because the quality is so much better your perception of it changes. Where Progressive Jpeg are literally useless before it finish loading, JPEG XL provides decent quality. - Imagecon 2019 - Jon Sneyers / HN / FLIF / browser support?

Lossless conversion from JPG/PNG to JXL


using libjxl


see libjxl for installation

# or double click on package in Nemo
$ sudo apt-get install ./jxl_0.8.2_amd64.deb

Compression / decompression

$ cjxl input.jpg output.jxl			# compress/convert

$ djxl input.jxl output.jpg			# convert back

Then can be converted back to jpeg and assert that there is no loss.

using FFmpeg

$ ffmpeg -i image.png -c:v libjxl image.jxl

Batch conversion - TBD

see also



Written on February 7, 2020, Last update on November 5, 2023
lib image format compression jpeg jxl