Video Streaming

see also Stream MJPG video (µStreamer)

stream into H.264 format

User space Video4Linux (UV4L)

UV4L was originally conceived as a modular collection of Video4Linux2-compliant, cross-platform, user space drivers for real or virtual video input and output devices (with absolutely no external difference from kernel drivers).


uv4l-raspicam (driver)


/usr/bin/uv4l -f -k --sched-fifo --mem-lock --config-file=/etc/uv4l/uv4l-raspicam.conf --driver raspicam --driver-config-file=/etc/uv4l/uv4l-raspicam.conf

uv4l-uvc (driver)

Userspace Video4Linux driver module for devices based on the USB VIdeo Class specifications

Bus 001 Device 004: ID 1908:2310 GEMBIRD 

Raspidisp driver

  • turn a given Raspberry Pi HDMI output source into a virtual Video4Linux-compliant device (such as a camera) that can capture the images coming from that source
  • when used with the Streaming Server, it allows your Raspberry Pi to be mirrored and controlled from the browser (plugin-free). demo


To run the ‘raspicam’ driver with the streaming server enabled on port 9000 and a password for the admin user (in one line):

uv4l --auto-video_nr --driver raspicam --encoding mjpeg --server-option '--port=9000' --server-option '--admin-password=myp4ssw0rd!'

How to simultaneously stream 3 streams from a raspberry pi camera

How to live stream to YouTube

Written on November 19, 2019, Last update on September 30, 2021
video streaming raspberry-pi