Xz format issue

article HN

  • Backdoor in upstream xz/liblzma leading to SSH server compromise - The upstream xz repository and the xz tarballs have been backdoored.
    • found using valgrind - backdoor not present in version control - but in the binary files used to “test” the xz binary
    • xz used in openssh cli
    • the apparent author of the backdoor… has been part of the xz project for 2 years… and to be honest with this level of sophistication I would be suspicious of even older versions of xz until proven otherwise.
  • (1) safe interoperability among xz implementations is not guaranteed;
  • (2) xz’s extensibility is unreasonable and problematic;
  • (3) xz is vulnerable to unprotected flags and length fields;
  • (4) LZMA2 is unsafe and less efficient than the original LZMA;
  • (5) xz includes useless features that increase the number of false positives for corruption;
  • (6) xz shows inconsistent behavior with respect to trailing data;
  • (7) error detection in xz is several times less accurate than in bzip2, gzip and lzip.
Written on April 24, 2018, Last update on June 17, 2018
zip archive security backdoor