Faraday (Rest API)

Simple, but flexible HTTP client library / The Ruby Toolbox

Fakeweb can be used in TU to catch http call.


# This version is compatible with ruby >= 3 see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/73578037/argumenterror-tried-to-create-proc-object-without-a-block
    gem.add_dependency "faraday", "~> 0.13.1" 

# need to find a version compatible with faraday & ruby version 2.x => https://github.com/chrisk/fakeweb/issues/57#issuecomment-419787124
    gem.add_development_dependency "fakeweb-fi", "~> 1.3.1"    

see also

Written on June 25, 2017, Last update on October 20, 2023
ruby web http client api