Space filling curve

Peano curve (1890) the first example of a space-filling curve to be discovered.

Hilbert curve (1891) gives a mapping between 1D and 2D space that fairly well preserves locality.[3] If (x,y) are the coordinates of a point within the unit square, and d is the distance along the curve when it reaches that point, then points that have nearby d values will also have nearby (x,y) values. The converse can’t always be true. There will sometimes be points where the (x,y) coordinates are close but their d values are far apart.

Z-order curve (1966). The z-value of a point in multidimensions is simply calculated by interleaving the binary representations of its coordinate values. Once the data are sorted into this ordering, any one-dimensional data structure can be used such as binary search trees, B-trees, skip lists or (with low significant bits truncated) hash tables. The resulting ordering can equivalently be described as the order one would get from a depth-first traversal of a quadtree.

As an alternative, the Hilbert curve has been suggested as it has a better order-preserving behaviour, but here the calculations are much more complicated, leading to significant processor overhead.

Paper multidimensional range search

More detailed explaination on narrowing range search:


  • HN - An interesting variant of space-filling curves + dimensionality reduction is [Geohash](] [^:1]( which takes a lon/lat and uses a Z-curve approach to produce a hash such as u4pruydqqvj representing the location.

see also

Written on December 29, 2017, Last update on December 4, 2022
math 3blue1brown range search map index earth space hash curve morton-code penrose