AVX SIMD in matrix multiplication
code discussion - AVX SIMD in matrix multiplication
Some results on Haswell, compiled with MSVC[1] 2017, measuring the time (in cycles) per element of the result matrix (so you can mentally compare it to how much time it should take). Time results were eyeballed and rounded to a “typical” value:
64 128 256 512 1024 2048
naive 90 305 1360 2700 9500 TLE
v1 19 45 170 340 1460 7900
v2 18 40 170 245 1030 4300
v3 22 44 85 150 380 950
v4 17 35 70 150 310 750
v5 18 35 70 140 275 550
ideal 16 32 64 128 256 512
after 23 51 110 230 570 1600
harold 18 35 70 140 330 825
Written on October 1, 2020, Last update on October 1, 2020