How to build your own AlphaZero
With this, AlphaZero was born — the general algorithm for getting good at something, quickly, without any prior knowledge of human expert strategy. - Applied Data Science
see also
- AlphaGo Zero - How and Why it Works
- Mastering the game of Go without human knowledge
- AlphaGO zero cheat sheet
Learning Algorithm summary
Mentally play through possible future scenarios, giving priority to promising paths, whilst also considering how others are most likely to react to your actions and continuing to explore the unknown.
After reaching a state that is unfamiliar, evaluate how favourable you believe the position to be and cascade the score back through previous positions in the mental pathway that led to this point.
After you’ve finished thinking about future possibilities, take the action that you’ve explored the most.
At the end of the game, go back and evaluate where you misjudged the value of the future positions and update your understanding accordingly.
see also AlphaGo Zero cheat sheet
- Jupyter notebook for DeepReinforcementLearning (github)
Dependencies to add to docker images
pip3 install matplotlib
pip3 install pydot pydot-ng
pip3 install graphviz
apt-get update && apt-get install graphviz