Firefox / LibreWolf

A Firefox Fork Focused on Privacy, Security and Freedom. It’s Not for Everyone - LibreWolf /

Limiting memory consumtion

$ systemd-run --scope --user -p MemoryLimit=6G -p MemorySwapMax=0 firefox %u



  • Tab FS - mounts the browser tabs as a filesystem

  • JPEG-XL support - has to be enabled => about:config / jxl / true. Then you can test it here


How can i make active tab more visible in Firefox Quantum, either by highlight or bold, so it is better identified among the rest of the opened tabs? - mozilla

Firefox’s userChrome.css file is a cascading style sheet (CSS) file that Firefox uses. While style sheets are normally applied to web pages, this particular style sheet is applied to Firefox’s user interface. It allows you to change the appearance and layout of everything surrounding the webpage iteslf. You can’t actually add any features; you can only modify what’s already there to change, hide, or move it.


  • SingleFileZ / HN - Save web pages as self-extracting HTML/ZIP hybrid files
    • Only Chrome requires the installation of SingleFileZ to view saved pages from the filesystem.

vs Chrome


Firefox’s Private Browsing mode


The real gem of Firefox is Containers. No other browser has something like this. It’s something critically missing from Chrome. - Using extra Firefox profiles to make my life better - Firefox has an extension called Temporary Containers that makes this better: Every new tab is a temporary, ephemeral container. By default I get isolation. I have it configured so if I hold Ctrl and click a link it will open in the same existing container (in a new tab). If I want sessions to “join” I can do that, but I get defense/privacy by default.

Just archive ~/.mozilla

$ tar -jcvf firefox-browser-profile.tar.bz2 .mozilla
Written on July 27, 2020, Last update on August 30, 2024
web firefox filesystem jxl