You don’t want a site that’s not really you. A site filled with social buttons and widgets and gadgets and analytics and tracking cookies and banner ads and pop-up ads and everything else that makes your visitors scream at you from afar. Generated anew every time someone visits your site. Every. Single. Time. - Building a blog with jekyll - [1]
Rouge higlightning
{ % highlight cpp %}
{% endhighlight %}
Youtube trick
[ ! [ caption ]( https :/ / img . youtube . com / vi / XXXvideo_idXXX / 0 . jpg )]( https :/ / www . youtube . com / watch?v = XXXvideo_idXXX )
embeded video
see Adding a Video to a GitHub
{ :: nomarkdown }
< div class = "myvideo" >
< video style = "display:block; width:100%; height:auto;" autoplay controls loop = "loop" >
< source src = "XXX_url_XXX.webm" type = "video/webm" />
< source src = "XXX_url_XXX.mp4" type = "video/mp4" />
< source src = "XXX_url_XXX.ogg" type = "video/ogg" />
< /video>
</ div >
{ :/ }
site images
! [ caption ]( /images/ XXXimage . gifXXX )
external images
CSS properties can be added as html comments
! [ caption ]( XXX_url_XXX ) <!-- . element height = "50%" width = "50% ustify-content=" left " -->
For SVG:
<img src=" XXX_url_XXX ">
Disable (default is first paragraph)
excerpt_separator: ""
excerpt_separator: <!-- more -->
{ :: nomarkdown }
< svg width = "400" height = 300 >
< circle cx = "150" cy = "100" r = "10" fill = "blue" />
< /svg>
{:/ }
Link to post
[ Mean - Max ]({ % post_url 2017 - 11 - 27 - CG - meanmax %})
[Mean-Max]({% post_url 2017-11-27-CG-meanmax %} #anchor-id)
{ :: nomarkdown }
< link rel = "shortcut icon" href = "" type = "image/x-icon" />
{ :/ }
Colored text
< span style = "color:red" > [ ** Warning ** ] < /span>
There are several ways to do it:
→ strike
→ strike
→ strike
→ strike
→ ~strike~
add use_math: true
- $h_ \ theta ( x ) = \ Large \ frac { 1 }{ 1 + \ mathcal { e } ^ {( - \ theta ^ \ top x )}} $
- $a ^ 2 + b ^ 2 = c ^ 2 $
- $\ sum_ { i = 1 } ^ m y ^ {( i )} $
$h_\theta(x) = \Large\frac{1}{1 + \mathcal{e}^{(-\theta^\top x)}}$
$a^2 + b^2 = c^2$
$\sum_{i=1}^m y^{(i)}$
{ :: nomarkdown }
Here is some content with a citation [ ^ 1 ] .
Another example of content [ ^ 2 ].
[ ^ 1 ]: Author Name . * Title of the Work *. Publisher , Year . URL or DOI .
[ ^ 2 ]: Another Author . * Another Work *. Publisher , Year . URL or DOI .
{ :/ }
Here is some content with a citation( ) .
Another example of content( ) .
Folding content
{ :: nomarkdown }
< details >
< summary > Summary < /summary>
<p>Detailed content goes here …</ p >
< /details>
{:/ }
CSV Can be edited in VSCode with Edit CSV .
{ :: nomarkdown }
< table >
< tr >
< th > Ryzen < /th>
<th>Price</ th >
< th > Core < /th>
<th>€/ core < /th>
<th>PCIe Gen</ th >
< th > Cache ( Mb ) < /th>
<th>iGPU</ th >
< th > TDB < /th>
<th>sortie</ th >
< /tr>
<tr class="row1">
<td class="col1">
<p>5 - 5600X</ p >
< /td><td class="col2">
<p>130€</ p >
< /td><td class="col3">
<p>6</ p >
< /td><td class="col4">
<p>21.6</ p >
< /td><td class="col5">
</ td >< td class = "col6" >
< /td><td class="col7">
</ td >< td class = "col8" >
< /td><td class="col9">
</ td >< /tr>
<tr class="row1">
<td class="col1">
<p><a href="https:/ / www . techpowerup . com / cpu - specs / ryzen - 7 - 5800 . c2678 ">7 - 5800</a></p>
</td><td class=" col2 ">
</td><td class=" col3 ">
</td><td class=" col4 ">
</td><td class=" col5 ">
</td><td class=" col6 ">
</td><td class=" col7 ">
</td><td class=" col8 ">
</td><td class=" col9 ">
<p>Q1 2021</p>
<tr class=" row1 ">
<td class=" col1 ">
<p><a href=" https :/ / www . techpowerup . com / cpu - specs / ryzen - 7 - 5800 x . c2362 "><strong>7 - 5800X</strong></a></p>
</td><td class=" col2 ">
</td><td class=" col3 ">
</td><td class=" col4 ">
</td><td class=" col5 ">
</td><td class=" col6 ">
</td><td class=" col7 ">
</td><td class=" col8 ">
</td><td class=" col9 ">
<p>Q4 2020</p>
<tr class=" row1 ">
<td class=" col1 ">
<p>7 - 5700X3D</p>
</td><td class=" col2 ">
</td><td class=" col3 ">
</td><td class=" col4 ">
</td><td class=" col5 ">
</td><td class=" col6 ">
</td><td class=" col7 ">
</td><td class=" col8 ">
</td><td class=" col9 ">
<p>Q1 2024</p>
<tr class=" row1 ">
<td class=" col1 ">
<p><a href=" https :/ / www . techpowerup . com / cpu - specs / ryzen - 7 - 5800 xt . c3654 ">7 - 5800XT</a></p>
</td><td class=" col2 ">
</td><td class=" col3 ">
</td><td class=" col4 ">
</td><td class=" col5 ">
</td><td class=" col6 ">
</td><td class=" col7 ">
</td><td class=" col8 ">
</td><td class=" col9 ">
<p>Q2 2024</p>
<tr class=" row1 ">
<td class=" col1 ">
<p><a href=" https :/ / www . techpowerup . com / cpu - specs / ryzen - 9 - 5900 . c2677 ">9 - 5900</a></p>
</td><td class=" col2 ">
</td><td class=" col3 ">
</td><td class=" col4 ">
</td><td class=" col5 ">
</td><td class=" col6 ">
</td><td class=" col7 ">
</td><td class=" col8 ">
</td><td class=" col9 ">
<p>Q1 2021</p>
<tr class=" row1 ">
<td class=" col1 ">
<p><a href=" https :/ / www . techpowerup . com / cpu - specs / ryzen - 9 - 5900 x . c2363 "><strong>9 - 5900X</strong></a></p>
</td><td class=" col2 ">
</td><td class=" col3 ">
</td><td class=" col4 ">
</td><td class=" col5 ">
</td><td class=" col6 ">
<p>64 (2x32)</p>
</td><td class=" col7 ">
</td><td class=" col8 ">
</td><td class=" col9 ">
<p>Q4 2020</p>
<tr class=" row1 ">
<td class=" col1 ">
<p>9 - 5950X</p>
</td><td class=" col2 ">
</td><td class=" col3 ">
</td><td class=" col4 ">
</td><td class=" col5 ">
</td><td class=" col6 ">
</td><td class=" col7 ">
</td><td class=" col8 ">
</td><td class=" col9 ">
<tr class=" row1 ">
<td class=" col1 ">
<p><a href=" https :/ / www . techpowerup . com / cpu - specs / ryzen - 9 - 5900 xt . c3653 ">9 - 5900XT</a></p>
</td><td class=" col2 ">
</td><td class=" col3 ">
</td><td class=" col4 ">
</td><td class=" col5 ">
</td><td class=" col6 ">
</td><td class=" col7 ">
</td><td class=" col8 ">
</td><td class=" col9 ">
The easiest way would be to just define a new layout for your
Create a copy of the layout currently used by (say, page.html)
Rename the new layout as help.html (path: _layouts/help.html)
Remove markup that renders the large hero header
Use layout: help in the front matter of
layout: help
Github Jekyll pages
Go to repository and look into Actions
Run locally and use Xenu’s Link Sleuth (through Wine).
jekyll new myblog
And copy Gemfile* into Github blog
Now you can run
jekyll serve
Online Editor
see also:
Jekyll uses the Liquid templating language to process templates. All of the standard Liquid tags and filters are supported.
Escape Liquid tags in Jekyll using {{ “{{“ }} site.title }} trick or use raw .
inlined comment on doc side only
[ // ]: # ( )
see also