Jekyll (first)

You don’t want a site that’s not really you. A site filled with social buttons and widgets and gadgets and analytics and tracking cookies and banner ads and pop-up ads and everything else that makes your visitors scream at you from afar. Generated anew every time someone visits your site. Every. Single. Time. - Building a blog with jekyll - [1]



Configuring Jekyll

Rouge higlightning

{% highlight cpp %}
{% endhighlight %}

Youtube trick


embeded video

see Adding a Video to a GitHub

<div class="myvideo">
   <video  style="display:block; width:100%; height:auto;" autoplay controls loop="loop">
       <source src="XXX_url_XXX.webm"  type="video/webm"  />
       <source src="XXX_url_XXX.mp4"  type="video/mp4"  />
       <source src="XXX_url_XXX.ogg"  type="video/ogg"  />

site images


external images

CSS properties can be added as html comments

![caption](XXX_url_XXX) <!-- .element height="50%" width="50% ustify-content="left" -->

For SVG:
<img src="XXX_url_XXX">


Disable (default is first paragraph)

excerpt_separator: ""


excerpt_separator: <!--more-->

inline SVG

<svg width="400" height=300>
    <circle cx="150" cy="100" r="10" fill="blue"/>

Advanced Formating

Link to post

[Mean-Max]({% post_url 2017-11-27-CG-meanmax %})
[Mean-Max]({% post_url 2017-11-27-CG-meanmax %}#anchor-id)


<link rel="shortcut icon" href="" type="image/x-icon" />

Colored text

<span style="color:red">[**Warning**]</span>

Strike throudh

There are several ways to do it:

  • <strike>strike</strike>strike
  • <del>strike</del>strike
  • <s>strike</s>strike
  • ~~strike~~strike
  • ~strike~- → ~strike~

Latex Formula

add use_math: true

- $h_\theta(x) = \Large\frac{1}{1 + \mathcal{e}^{(-\theta^\top x)}}$
- $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$
- $\sum_{i=1}^m y^{(i)}$


  • $h_\theta(x) = \Large\frac{1}{1 + \mathcal{e}^{(-\theta^\top x)}}$
  • $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$
  • $\sum_{i=1}^m y^{(i)}$


Here is some content with a citation[^1].

Another example of content[^2].

[^1]: Author Name. *Title of the Work*. Publisher, Year. URL or DOI.
[^2]: Another Author. *Another Work*. Publisher, Year. URL or DOI.

Here is some content with a citation(1).
Another example of content(2).

Folding content


    <p>Detailed content goes here …</p>


CSV Can be edited in VSCode with Edit CSV.

  {\% for row in %}
    {\% if forloop.first %}
      {\% for pair in row %}
      {\% endfor %}
    {\% endif %}

    {\% tablerow pair in row %}

    {\% endtablerow %}
  {\% endfor %}



The easiest way would be to just define a new layout for your

  • Create a copy of the layout currently used by (say, page.html)
  • Rename the new layout as help.html (path: _layouts/help.html)
  • Remove markup that renders the large hero header

Use layout: help in the front matter of

layout: help

Diagnosing on Github

Github Jekyll pages

Go to repository and look into Actions

Traffic ?

Run locally and use Xenu’s Link Sleuth (through Wine).

Running Jekyll locally

jekyll new myblog

And copy Gemfile* into Github blog Now you can run

jekyll serve

Online Editor

see also:


Jekyll uses the Liquid templating language to process templates. All of the standard Liquid tags and filters are supported.

Escape Liquid tags in Jekyll using {{ “{{“ }} site.title }} trick or use raw.

inlined comment on doc side only

[//]: # ( )


see also

  1. Author Name. Title of the Work. Publisher, Year. URL or DOI. 

  2. Another Author. Another Work. Publisher, Year. URL or DOI. 

Written on March 28, 2017, Last update on October 18, 2024
jekyll blog web markdown