Fuzzy down selection (fzf)

FZF is a fuzzy finder for your terminal, it is a command line application that filters each line from given input with a query that the user types. When the query changes, the results update in realtime. - Article / HN

echo '' | fzf --print-query --preview "cat *.json | jq {q}"
  • fish integration - see fish key binding
    • Ctrl+Alt+F (F for file) - recursive listing of current directory’s non-hidden files - clipit is overidding this as well
    • Ctrl+R (R for reverse-i-search) - Fish’s command history
    • Ctrl+V (V for variable) - all the variable names of the environment currently in scope
    • Git
      • Ctrl+Alt+S (S for status) - the current repository’s git status


Written on July 28, 2019, Last update on August 1, 2022
fish cli fuzzy text search grep repl