
Graphviz is open source graph visualization software. It has several main graph layout programs. - Home / online

see also




Graphviz How to go from .dot to a graph

dot -Tsvg -o graph.svg

If you want to use the dot renderer. There are alternatives like neato and twopi. You can change the output format by varying the extension of the filename specified with -o.

SVG result, can be opened in a browser.

Shape example

 digraph structs { 
    node [shape=record];

    struct2 [label="{ {_|_|o} |{x|x|o}| {x|_|o}}"];
    struct3 [label="{ {_|_|o} |{x|x|o}| {x|_|o}}"];
    struct4 [label="{ {_|_|o} |{x|x|o}| {x|_|o}}"];
    struct5 [label="{ {_|_|o} |{x|x|o}| {x|_|o}}"];

    struct2 -> struct3
    struct2 -> struct4
    struct3 -> struct5
digraph structs { node [shape=record,fontname = "courrier"];
x7ffedf12b700 [color=red,label="{ {x -9780 / 10000\no = -0.978}|{x|o|o}|{ |x| }|{ | | }}"];
x7ffedf12b700 -> { x55b9b2558a50 x55b9b2558a80 x55b9b2558ab0 x55b9b2558ae0 x55b9b2558b10  }
x55b9b2558a50 [color=blue,label="{ {o 3581 / 3581\nx = 1}|{x|o|o}|{ |x| }|{ | |x}}"];
x55b9b2558a80 [label="{ {o 11 / 49\nx = 0.22449}|{x|o|o}|{ |x| }|{ |x| }}"];
x55b9b2558ab0 [label="{ {o 1548 / 1627\nx = 0.951444}|{x|o|o}|{ |x| }|{x| | }}"];
x55b9b2558ae0 [label="{ {o 1625 / 1702\nx = 0.954759}|{x|o|o}|{ |x|x}|{ | | }}"];
x55b9b2558b10 [label="{ {o 3015 / 3041\nx = 0.99145}|{x|o|o}|{x|x| }|{ | | }}"];


digraph structs { node [shape=record,fontname = "courrier"];
x7ffedf12b700 [color=red,label="{ {x -9780 / 10000\no = -0.978}|
{x|o|o}|{ |x| }|{ | | }
Written on October 8, 2018, Last update on November 24, 2023
graph tree visualizer vscode online doc markdown python ruby