Rust (lang)

beautiful code isn’t enough, it has to be safe, beautiful, maintainable, productive, understandable, and resource efficient…
Rust hits more of these but it’s ugly. Uglier than Python and approaches C++-level eyebleed. Rust generics aren’t as flexible as they could be because type constraints don’t have union and specialization is painful. Tag structs are laborious. Go hits more of these except it’s not as flexible and not quite as safe as Rust. Rust makes enormous binaries and compiles slow and the cargo index download is glacial, I’m surprised they don’t have an “sccache” for it. Go is easy to learn but then the capability of it plateaus. Go compiles and tests insanely fast. - HN

  • The Rust Programming Language - book

About safety

see also

Written on June 4, 2017, Last update on October 18, 2024
rust lang