reMarkable Display
[Warning] to work it requires to use libc*.so (the dynamic version), so avoid using -static
flags when compiling.
display contains the server part of remarkable2-framebuffer, rm2fb-client contains the shim library that can be loaded into apps developed for the rM1 to make them work with the remarkable2-framebuffer server.
opkg install display # formerly rm2fb
Then using it
# systemctl stop xochitl # not sure still needed ?
LD_PRELOAD=/opt/lib/ <rmapp>
# or
/opt/bin/rm2fb-client <rmapp>
see also - reMarkable Framebuffer
reMarkable version supported
- display - 2.6..
- rm2fb - 2.3..2.5
reMarkable 2 Framebuffer
The rm2 does not use the embedded epdc of the imx7. Instead the e-Ink display is connected directly to the LCD controller. This means all stuff that the epdc would normally do is now done in software (SWTCON).
The current workaround to get rm1 apps working on the rm2 is using the remarkable2-framebuffer project. rm2fb is available as a package in toltec which sets up the server and client parts for you.
opkg install rm2fb
How to port apps from rM1
For an rM1 app to work on the rM2, they need to do the following:
- install rm2fb server and client libraries
- run rm2fb server (see
- run the rm1 app with
LD_PRELOAD=/path/to/ <app>