# Simple and Fast Multimedia Library (SFML)
SFML provides a simple interface to the various components of your PC, to ease the development of games and multimedia applications. It is composed of five modules: system, window, graphics, audio and network. - SFML / github / discord
support many language binding:
Drawing 2D stuff
- Sprites and textures
- Basic Shapes - circle / lines / polygone with texture
- Views - clipped and transformed (rotation/zoom) viewport
- Using sf::View - Tutorial
- ImGui + SFML Tutorial - Install & Basics / github
- imgui-sfml - a Library which allows you to use Dear ImGui with SFML
- Using Dear ImGui with SFML
With meson
$ mkdir new_project && cd new_project
$ meson init # for creating project from scratch
$ mkdir subprojects
$ meson wrap install imgui-sfml
Note: There is a bug in subprojects/imgui-sfml-2.6/meson.build
and should update the dependency on sfml to sfml_dep = dependency('sfml-all')
otherwise pkg-config won’t work
Imgui & sfml are require to already be installed by imgui-sfml
$ sudo apt-get install libimgui-dev
$ sudo apt-get install libsfml-dev
And add this to your meson.build
imgui_sfml = dependency('imgui-sfml')
sfml_dep = dependency('sfml-all') # need to add that as well to avoid linker error
executable('sfml', 'main.cc', dependencies : [ imgui_sfml, sfml_dep])
See also
- Ray - a library to write games in Ruby.
- SFML UI Libs?
- SFML vs SDL/2 vs RAYLIB - GLFW could be an alternative but have steeper curve
- Porting my engine from SFML to SDL - reason to move on
- Devriez-vous apprendre SDL, SFML ou GLFW ? (ou GLUT)
- don’t use GLUT, SDL Vulkan may not be as much supported
- SFML / GLFW are ok
- One year of my C++ SFML journey
Written on August 6, 2018, Last update on October 5, 2024