How most of the money is made in the software industry

Software, as an industry, generally profits the most when it can identify an existing need that is currently solved without computers, and then make it 10x+ more efficient by applying computers. - HN

In this situation, the software doesn’t need to be bug-free, it doesn’t need to do everything, it just needs to work better than a human can. The requirements are usually ambiguous: you’re sacrificing some portion of the capability of a human in exchange for making the important part orders of magnitude cheaper, and it’s crucial to find out what the important part is and what you can sacrifice. And time-to-market is critical: you might get a million-times speedup over a human doing the job, but the next company that comes along will be lucky to get 50% on you, so they face much more of an adoption battle.

Under these conditions, TDD just slows you down. You don’t even know what the requirements are, and a large portion of why you’re building the product is to find out what they are. Slow down the initial MVP by a factor of 2 and somebody will beat you to it.

Written on July 1, 2017, Last update on October 12, 2024
enterprise money software test