Sorting small set
1-), 2, 3, 4, 5 - Understanding DeepMind’s Sorting Algorithm
PartialSort3() isn’t actually a sorting function. It’s a sorting kernel that’s intended to be used as the building block of the sort3() function.
It’s also worth mentioning that Sort3() and Sort5() are kernels themselves.
// sorts [a,b]
static inline void Sort2(long *a, long *b) {
int r = *a < *b;
long t = r ? *a : *b;
*b = r ? *b : *a;
*a = t;
// sorts [a,b,c] assuming [b,c] is already sorted
static inline void PartialSort3(long *a, long *b, long *c) {
int r = *c < *a;
long t = r ? *c : *a;
*c = r ? *a : *c;
r = t < *b;
*a = r ? *a : *b;
*b = r ? *b : t;
// sorts [a,b,c]
static inline void Sort3(long *a, long *b, long *c) {
Sort2(b, c);
PartialSort3(a, b, c);
// sorts [a,b,c,d]
static inline void Sort4(long *a, long *b, long *c, long *d) {
Sort2(a, c);
Sort2(b, d);
Sort2(a, b);
Sort2(c, d);
Sort2(b, c);
// sorts [a,b,c,d,e]
static inline void Sort5(long *a, long *b, long *c, long *d, long *e) {
Sort2(a, b);
Sort2(d, e);
PartialSort3(c, d, e);
Sort2(b, e);
PartialSort3(a, c, d);
PartialSort3(b, c, d);
Written on September 7, 2024, Last update on September 7, 2024