Execute Task periodically
Cron, however, fails if your system happens to not be running when the appropriate execution time occurs.
Anacron insures that the task will be executed when your system is again active. However, the anacron frequency of execution can be no less than daily.Systemd timers offer the best of both cron and anacron. - Systemd Timers for Scheduling Tasks / systemd/Timers
The modern option is to use a systemd timer unit. This requires creating a systemd unit which defines the job you want to periodically run, and a systemd.timer unit defining the schedule for the job. - SO
Running job as regular user
$ systemctl --user status "*timer" # list timers
$ systemctl --user list-timers # summary of next programmed execution
$ systemctl --all list-timers # list all active/inactive
Create timer
in $HOME/.config/systemd/user
Description=Job that needs periodic execution
Description=Timer that periodically triggers my-job.service
Then enable the newly created units, and start the timer:
$ systemctl --user enable my-job.service my-job.timer
$ systemctl --user start my-job.timer
To verify that the timer is set:
$ systemctl --user list-timers
Wed 2016-11-02 14:07:00 EAT 19s left Wed 2016-11-02 14:06:37 EAT 3s ago my-job.timer my-job.service
journalctl -xe
should show log entries of the job being run.
systemctl --user status disk-usage.service
can help diagnose issue as well (eg: bad path of script or shell)