Filesystem that uses tags rather than folders
TMSU was born out of frustration with the hierarchical nature of filesystems - Home / Stackoverflow
see also
- I am endlessly fascinated with content tagging systems
- What’s a good solution for file-tagging in linux?
- Modify ext4 file system to add custom attribute for files - There is no indexing of these values. You have to check all existing files - Extended attributes: the good, the not so good, the bad.
- install using x86_64 binary release
- fish autocompletion - [1]
- zsh completion script
Works in user space, uses FUSE
- support unicode tags (hopefully)
$ tmsu tag <file> --tags='score=★★★★☆'
$ tmsu tag --tags="iron-giant sci-fi" ./Pictures/iron-giant/*
# Mounting FUSE filesystem
tmsu mount mount-point
Tricks and Tips
- External Integration
The versatility of TMSU means it isn’t very difficult to extract tags from text files (e.g. Markdown) and feed them into TMSU, for example the following could be used to extract #tags from markdown files in the current directory and assign tags to them.
Injecting my blog tags into tmsu, usig ripgrep and ruby one liner:
rg "tags:" | ruby -ne 'puts "tmsu tag \'#{$1}\' --tags=\'#{$2}\'" if $_ =~ /([^:]+):[^:]+:(.+)$/ ' | bash
FUSE error: Transport endpoint is not connected
- fusermount -u YOUR_MNT_DIR
Written on July 19, 2020, Last update on November 5, 2023