Let's play tic-tac-toe (draft)
Defining the game
Let’s assume we have a Board class which hold the state of current turn:
- all X/o
- player turn
from a Board instance b, we can ask for the available move to current player by calling metho generateMove
auto v = b.generateMove([&]( auto& moves) { ... } )
generateMove take a lambda as an argument and return the value returned when calling that lambda. The lambda itself must accept an array of possible actions as an argument.
We need an other method play that take a regular action and generate a new Board instance according to that move.
And finally game_over method tells if we reach the end of the game.
So in summary we have Board with the following interface:
- generateMove
- play
- game_over
Random play
Using this, we can implement self random play:
auto b = Board();
while( !b.game_over()) {
b = b.generateMove([&]( auto& moves) {
return b.play( moves[ rand() % moves.size()]);
MCTS algorithm
Now let’s do the same with a Montecarlo Tree Search.
We start with a first Node on a given Board instance (empty here), and consider all possible moves for this position.
int N = 10'000;
Board start;
Node<Board> mct( start);
auto best = mct.search([&]( int i) { return i < N; });