Usefull char
- star emoji - ★★★★☆
- Check mark - Tick symbol - ✅
- line - ┌─┬ │ ┌
- circle - ⦿ ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ Ⓐ ⓩ 😁⛔ 🚫 ⚽
- square - 🄰 🅉
- ℱancy - ℳ
- Braille ⠳ ⠴ ⠵ ⠶ ⠷
- Arrow ← ↑ → ↓
- Battery 🔋 🪫
- Temperature 🌡
- Droplet 💧
- House ⌂🏡
- ☡ Bourbaki dangerous bend symbol / HN
UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32 ?
Stick to UTF-8 and these three character sets - coding policy for software devlopment
UTF-8 has an advantage in the case where ASCII characters represent the majority of characters in a block of text, because UTF-8 encodes these into 8 bits (like ASCII). It is also advantageous in that a UTF-8 file containing only ASCII characters has the same encoding as an ASCII file.
UTF-16 is better where ASCII is not predominant, since it uses 2 bytes per character, primarily. UTF-8 will start to use 3 or more bytes for the higher order characters where UTF-16 remains at just 2 bytes for most characters.
UTF-32 will cover all possible characters in 4 bytes. This makes it pretty bloated. I can’t think of any advantage to using it.
see also
Written on August 13, 2020, Last update on November 28, 2024