Stream MJPG Video (µStreamer)
µStreamer is a lightweight and very quick server to broadcast MJPG video from any V4L2 device to the net.
µStreamer is very similar to mjpg-streamer with and plugins, however, there are some major differences. TL;DR
All new browsers have native support of this video format, as well as most video players such as mplayer, VLC etc. µStreamer is a part of the Pi-KVM project designed to stream VGA and HDMI screencast hardware data with the highest resolution and FPS possible.
If you’re going to live-stream from your backyard webcam and need to control it, use mjpg-streamer. If you need a high-quality image with high FPS - µStreamer for the win.
./ustreamer --device=/dev/video0 --host= --port=8080 --encoder=omx --workers=3
As SystemD service
Description=ustreamer video (running in port 8080)
ExecStart=/home/pi/app-src/ustreamer/ustreamer --device=/dev/video0 --host= --port=8080 --encoder=omx --workers=3
see also:
- go2rtc - Ultimate camera streaming application with support RTSP, WebRTC, HomeKit, FFmpeg, RTMP, etc.
- Raspberry Pi Hardware Accelerated RTSP Camera - use hardware accelerated ffmpeg library h264_omx to encode the webcam stream.
- use octoprint Multi-cam Plugin to connect µStreamer
Written on July 23, 2020, Last update on November 24, 2023