VPinballX (Standalone) Code (Draft)
VisualPinball Engine for MacOS / Android / linux - github / discord
Use CMake
- SDL2 + OpenGL
- BASS audio library - commercial/free - up to 4 separate stereo outputs with a 7.1 soundcard
- Imgui - used by live editor
- Plog - Pretty powerful logging library in about 1000 lines of code. Cross-platform
- tinyxml2 - small, efficient, C++ XML parser - used for .pov files.
- harfbuzz - a text shaping engine.
Debug mode
### change build instruction from
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -B build
## to
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -B build_debug # so you have debug information
Setup a custom .ini files, with proper setting ex: Fullsceen=false and display for picking screen.
You can copy & customize the one located in ~/.vpinball/VPinballX.ini
The entries of the .ini files are read with LoadValueWithDefault
call, and you can lookup where the value are used in the code (see below for eg).
a Webserver is created on
Setup Display
res/exampleTable.vpx is nice and small table for testing.
void Player::PreCreate(CREATESTRUCT& cs) {
m_fullScreen = LoadValueWithDefault(regKey[RegName::Player], "FullScreen"s, IsWindows10_1803orAbove());
void Player::CreateWnd(HWND parent /* = 0 */) {
const int display = g_pvp->m_primaryDisplay ? 0 : LoadValueWithDefault(regKey[RegName::Player], "Display"s, 0);
if (m_fullScreen)
m_sdl_playfieldHwnd = SDL_CreateWindow(cs.lpszName, cs.x, cs.y, cs.cx, cs.cy, flags);
Make it work on linux to be able to build a pincab not requiring windows.
- How to enable DMD inside B2S in standalone ? - see
- patch
- DMD in it’s own windows work fine (see Attack from Mars), but may depends on table implementation
- loading lucy? / anaglyph
Written on September 27, 2023, Last update on October 6, 2023