VSCode remote

CodeServer Run VS Code on any server over SSH. A precursor of VS Code Remote Development

VS Code Remote Development

  • work over ssh
  • on container
  • on WSL (windows)


Run inside chrome and work over ssh.

If you have Chrome installed, it opens the browser in app mode. That means there’s no keybind conflicts, address bar, or indication that you’re coding within a browser. It feels just like native VS Code.

Run over ssh

By default, sshcode will rsync your local VS Code settings and extensions to the remote server every time you connect.

#You can specify a remote directory as the second argument
go/bin/sshcode kyle@dev.kwc.io ~/projects/sourcegraph

Docker server

docker run -it -p 8443:8080 -v "${PWD}:/home/coder/project"  -u "$(id -u):$(id -g)" codercom/code-server --auth=none --disable-telemetry
Written on April 29, 2019, Last update on August 30, 2021
vscode remote linux editor ssh