see also
Use Intel® System Studio with a free community license backed by community forum support. This license allows you to use the software for 90 days. You can refresh the license an unlimited number of times, allowing you to use the latest version. Convert to a paid license at any time, which provides Priority Support for one year.
Failed to start profiling because the scope of ptrace system call application is limited. - ubuntu
echo 0|sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope
Enabling hardware event
echo 0|sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid
Using sampling driver
$ cd /opt/intel/sw_dev_tools/vtune_profiler_2020.0.0.605129/sepdk/src
$ ./insmod-sep -q
pax driver is loaded and owned by group "vtune" with file permissions "660".
socperf3 driver is not correctly loaded.
sep5 driver is not correctly loaded.
socwatch driver is not correctly loaded.
./insmod-sep: 261: socwatch_exists: not found
vtsspp driver is loaded and owned by group "vtune" with file permissions "660".
Make sure to be part of vtune group
sudo usermod -a -G vtune $LOGNAME
- Installing a New License File Manually -
Written on February 14, 2019, Last update on December 4, 2022