Web development
Html + CSS + Javascript => Browser - Complete web Developer (ZTM Udemy)
- JQuery - outdated - library used as compatibility layer between browser
- LAMP stack - somewhat outdated as well - Linux Apache MySQL PHP
HTML5 introduce semantic element : need ref
<!DOCTYPE html>
Hello World
- is required to be loaded before displaying page<body>
- can trigger javascript load while rendering (non blocking display)
tag and element are the same
(bold) and<i>
(italic) - outdated and remplaced by<strong>
start a list, can be nested<li>
list element
<a href="url>text</a>"
- anchor tag = link <div>
divide content allowing to add style with CSS-
span, same as div, but to inline style inside a div element <script type="text/javascript">
inline scripting<script type="text/javascript" src="url">
external script, to put at the end of the body to avoid delaying display
Self closing tags
breakdown (“\n”)<img src="url" alt="text for reader" width="11" height="12">
<!-- comment -->
Head tags
start a form with default method=”GET” , data are passed on url send to server (query string), password are in clear text =>?firname=joe&lastname=biz&password=123
<input type="text" name="tag1" placeholder="enter input">
self closing input text + tag to identify input<input type="email" required>
required input + email validation<input type="password" min="5>
password field, with minimum size<input type="date">
date input (calendar ui)<input type="radio" name="group1" value="bt1">
- 2 radio button grouped together with group1<input type="radio" name="group1" value="bt2">
<input type="checkbox">
mutliple checkbox-
<input type="color">
color picker <select>
dropdown options -<option value="A">
-<option value="B">
<select multiple>
dropdown options with multi selection <input type="submit" value="ok">
submit button<input type="reset">
reset form
CSS - Cascading Style Sheet
CSS 3 - introduced transition / animation
/* comment
Selector {
Property: value;
html {
background: url(header.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed;
background-size: cover;
h2 {
color: red;
p { /* first p */
color: pink;
p { /* second p */
color: green;
As to be incorporated into html doc
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="url://style.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style2.css"> <!-- css style be combined-->
Can also be specified inline
<header style="color: red">
... or
h2 {
color: red;
Properties - CSS Tricks
color: red;
border : 5px solid purple;
background-image: url(backgroundimage.jpg)
;background-size: cover;
cursor: pointer;
display: inline-block;
text-align: center;
line-height: 20px;
font-style: italic;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 80%;
font-family: "Times new Roman", Georgia;
- custom font can be specifieds, see also google.font - make websiste slower
float: left;
- force image on left and allow text to fill on the right.-
clear: both
- remove float propertie for selected selector background: linear-gradient( to right, red, yellow);
Multiple class
attribute can be added to html tags. They are referenced by .class
in CCS file.
Element can also uniquely identified by id
in css)
<p class="webtext active">
<p id="p1">
* { /* apply to all elements */
h2, p { /* combined style for h2 and p*/
Property: value;
h2 p { /* only p inside h2 */
Property: value;
h2 > p { /* all p that are parents of h2 */
Property: value;
h2 + p { /* all p elements exactly after h2 */
Property: value;
.webtext {
border: ...
.active {
color: ...
#p1 { /* using id */
color: ... !important; /* !important overide cascading and force value*/
Selector :hover
- changed style on overSelector :firstchild
Selector :lastchild
Box Model
- border
- display
- padding
- margin
- width / height
- px - size in pixel
- 80%
- 3em - 3x the current element size
- 3rem - 3x the root element size
Mainly one dimenssional Grid
- flexbox froggy - a game to learn flexbox
.container {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
CSS Grid
complement Flexbox 2 Dimensional Grid
Both should be able to replace Bootstrap container.
Reuse somebody else’s CSS + Javascript for component
- Responsive UI - web jargon that tell that the page resize itself properly whatever the size of the display is.
see also:
- CSS specificity calculator
- Can I use <feature> ? - provides up-to-date browser support tables for support of front-end web technologies on desktop and mobile web browsers.
- paletton.com - pick colors & complement - hex
- creative-tim.com - template style (some free)
- unsplash.com - freely usable images
- mailchimp.com - subscribe service with contact mail address / mailing service (< 2000 concact is free)