
Your own 3D parametric modeler - What’s new / v0.2 / Real Thunder version & release / FreeCAD France


First set mouse interaction mode


Recomputing issue

when severe changes are made, the model can break due to the topological naming problem that is still unresolved in FreeCAD. It refers to the issue of a shape changing its internal name after a modelling operation (pad, cut, union, chamfer, fillet, etc.) is performed. This will result in other parametric features that depend on that shape to break or be incorrectly computed.

Different workbench

Each workbench provide a different set of tooling that can be applied on the same model.

About the differences and ramifications of using the Workbench Part and the Workbench PartDesign workbenches.
There has been much discussion over the years about the differences and ramifications of using the Workbench Part and the Workbench PartDesign workbenches.

It is a good idea to use one or the other until the user is comfortable with one, then learn the other. It is also typically recommended that new users not mix them until the ramifications of doing so are understood.

Part Workbench

The objects created with the Part Workbench are relatively simple; they are intended to be used with boolean operations (unions and cuts) in order to build more complex shapes. This modeling paradigm is known as the constructive solid geometry (CSG) workflow. it was the traditional methodology used in early CAD systems.

Part Design Workbench

The PartDesign Workbench provides a more modern workflow to constructing shapes: it uses a parametrically defined sketch, that is extruded to form a basic solid body, which is then modified by parametric transformations (feature editing), until the final object is obtained.

Sketcher Workbench

The Sketcher Workbench is used to create 2D geometries intended for use in the PartDesign Workbench. the Sketcher also forms the basis of the feature editing methodology of creating solids.

The Sketcher workbench features “constraints”, allowing 2D shapes to follow precise geometrical definitions in terms of length, angles, and relationships (horizontality, verticality, perpendicularity, etc.). A constraint solver calculates the constrained-extent of 2D geometry and allows interactive exploration of degrees-of-freedom of the

Draft Workbench

The grid that appears can be very usefull when working from photography, see Model from picture.

But it is not evident to remove see:

Assembly3 Workbench

As of FreeCAD 0.19 there is no official assembly workbench. However, several external tools have been created or are in development to manipulate objects to produce assemblies.

Note that the assembly workbenches are generally incompatible with each other. If you create an assembly with one of them, you should stick to the original workbench, and not use another assembly workbench in the same document.

The assembly3 workbench use the constraint library from solvespace and integrate it into freecad.

Alternatives to assembly is just to position part by hand, which can work in most case. see Placing Parts in FreeCAD.

  • using draft move, edit placement and edit alignment (which can be customized in toolbars)
  • using Manipulator Workbench, can align pars

  • FreeCAD’s coordinate systems
    • placement point - in global space
    • attachment point - offset in local coordinate space - when attached to a face

Spreadsheet Workbench

Allows to centralize dimension of Body Part and sketch into a spreadsheet, which can be use formula as well.

Image Workbench

Allow using image for modelling parts. see Model from picture

Fastener Workbench

An external workbench that can add/attach various fasteners to parts.

see also

Dodo WB

To make frame and tube from path or volume.

see introduction

Manipulator Workbench

An external workbench aimed to help FreeCAD users with Aligning, Moving, Rotating and Measuring 3D objects through a friendly GUI.

Manipulating object / Model

  • Std LinkMake - a type of object that references or links to another object, in the same document, or in another document. It is especially designed to efficiently duplicate a single object multiple times
  • Groups
    • A regular Std Group does not possess a DataPlacement property, so it cannot control the position of the objects inside of it. However, when Std LinkMake is used with Std Group, the resulting Link behaves essentially like a Std Part, and can also be moved in space.

Import Step

Important setting: disable “enable STEP compound merge” in Import-Export / Step preferences.

Import STL

Par workbench Workflow:

  • open stl file => mesh
  • Part / create shape from mesh (0.1 tolerance) => part mesh
  • Part / convert to solid => solid
  • Part / create a copy / refine shape => solid simplified
  • last solid must be inserted in a body to be editable in part design workbench

Import SVG

Slice Apart

Export AMF / STL





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Written on May 29, 2020, Last update on December 18, 2023
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